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Invest in Gothenburg

Gothenburg lands new national cluster for commercialisation of advanced therapies

A new national innovation cluster for the commercialisation, competence development and production capacity of advanced therapies will be established in Gothenburg. Advanced therapies are an area with great potential and the new public-private investment will strengthen Sweden’s global competitiveness.

View of Gothenburg

In total, SEK 160 million will be invested in the new centre over the next two years, with an industrial consortium and Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency, contributing half each.
Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs), such as cell and gene therapies, enable more efficient healthcare, as well as new and more accurate treatments that in the future can be used against major public diseases such as cancer and diabetes. They also constitute a large future market for the Swedish life science industry.
“Advanced therapies are a strategic area with great potential for innovation, competitiveness and health where Sweden can take a leading role,” said Darja Isaksson, director general of Vinnova, in a press release.
The new innovation cluster will be located at GoCo Health Innovation City in Gothenburg. It will be led by an industrial consortium, CCRM Nordic AB, consisting of AstraZeneca, CombiGene, Cytiva Sweden, Cytiva Testa Center, Getinge, GoCo Development, Takara Bio Europe, TATAA Biocenter and Verigraft – the majority of which are located in Gothenburg. 
“We are very happy about this new public-private investment in a national biomanufacturing site in Gothenburg. The field of advanced medicines has been growing fast all over the world and Sweden has all the conditions to be in this race. With this investment we will secure early infrastructure for research and validation of technologies that will increase our international competitiveness,” says Iris Öhrn, investment advisor for life science at Business Region Göteborg.
The new investment is yet another example of the collaborative spirit in Gothenburg and Sweden. 
“It has taken several years to get this in place. Business Region Göteborg, Region Västra Götaland, RISE [Research Institutes of Sweden] and Sahlgrenska University Hospital as the public players have also been supporting this initiative from the start. We will continue to work with the project team to attract the international talent and businesses that will be required to make it an even bigger success,” says Iris Öhrn. 


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