Picture of a person making a presentation

Business insights in Gothenburg

We offer a wealth of facts, tools and resources to help you make informed decisions and elevate your business in Gothenburg.

Gothenburg facts

Key facts, figures and rankings that will provide you with a quick overview of our business environment.

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Delve deeper into the facts, figures and developments in our buzzing region. 

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News & stories

Stay updated on what's happening in Gothenburg's business environment.

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Land and property solutions

Explore land and property solutions in the Gothenburg region and elsewhere in Sweden.

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Virtual tours

Take a virtual tour and see some of Gothenburg's energy-efficient and innovative buildings, smart and sustainable mobility solutions, as well as an example of fossil free construction.

Explore our virtual tours

Life science directory

Discover a comprehensive directory featuring the region's leading life science companies and organizations.

Discover our life science directory
Joel Görsch at IHG

Gain valuable insights from our team of experts

Tap into expert insights for a deeper understanding. Our dedicated team is ready to guide you through complex topics, offering unique perspectives and knowledge to strengthen your decision-making. Join us on this insightful journey

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A picture of Älvsborgsbron in Gothenburg

Brand communication guidelines

Our brand communication guidelines can be used by companies and organizations wishing to market the Gothenburg region to the international business community. 

Check out the guidlines