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Invest in Gothenburg

Welcome to the Gothenburg region's tech calendar

Here you can publish your tech events and activities free of charge. Fill out the form below. Please note that it may take some time before it becomes public as it will first be reviewed by our team.

Posting guidelines
Name of the event
Upload an event image, use recommended image size 1920x1080px for best results.
Event image alternative text
Photo credit
  1. 1. I have rights to the image, including the right to share it with Invest in Gothenburg for publication with them as the sender.
  2. 2. Any persons recognizable in the image have consented to its use to inform about events.
  3. 3. I understand that if I have falsely stated that I have rights to the image, including the right to share it for publication and I can be invoiced for any costs incurred for Invest in Gothenburg
Start date
Start date and time *
Start date and time
End date
End date and time *
End date and time
Write a concrete summary of a maximum of 2-3 sentences.

Basic HTML

Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
  • Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically.
Location of the event. Digital event, write online here
Enter address if physical and platform if digital.
Organizer of the event
Type of activity
Name of a contact
E-mail to contact