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Gothenburg business facts and statistics (interactive tool)

Access the latest official figures for the regional economy in the Gothenburg region. Here you will find regional statistics on workplaces, employees, residents, unemployment, housing, goods exports, turnover, payroll, and gross regional product. 

Dive into Gothenburg facts: Click, compare, and analyse

Explore statistics for the Gothenburg region with the help of our interactive module, you can click, compare and delve into facts from the Gothenburg region. You need a laptop to use the tool’s in-depth statistics. The first overview shows the Gothenburg region. Click on the municipality you want to look at more closely. Then click again to return to the regional statistics. Workplaces, employees, residents, unemployment, housing, and goods exports are clickable for an additional dimension. 

Open an interactive window to view statistics

Definitions of indicators


Refers to annual averages of individuals that are openly unemployed and in labour market policy programs as a percentage of the labour force. The data can be filtered by age category (16-65 years or 18-24 years), region of birth (domestically born or foreign-born) and as total unemployment rate for the municipality/region as a whole.

Source: Swedish Public Employment Service


The data shows number of business establishments. An establishment in this context refers to a geographically defined address, property or group of nearby properties, where regular operations are carried out at least 20 hours/week and/or where employed personnel are located in the municipality/region as a whole. Temporary establishments or home addresses are not counted as establishments.

Source: Statistics Sweden


The housing stock shows the number of housing units in multi dwellings and single dwellings in the municipality/region as a whole.  

Source: Statistics Sweden


Refers to data on gross regional product (GRP or value added) in SEK billion in the municipality/region as a whole. The value added is generated from total turnover less total input cost for sold goods and services over a year in the municipality/region as a whole.   

Source: Statistics Sweden


Refers to registered population (0+ years) per December 31 for the selected reference year in the municipality/region as a whole. 

Source: Statistics Sweden

Wage sum

Refers to data over paid wage/salary for work in SEK billion in the municipality/region as a whole. 

Source: Statistics Sweden


Refers to generated turnover in SEK billion for sold goods and services in the municipality/region as a whole. 

Source: Statistics Sweden


Refers to employed persons 15-74 years with employment in the municipality/region as a whole. The data thus refers to employed persons that live and work in the municipality/region as a whole and commute to work in the municipality/region as a whole.

Source: Statistics Sweden 

Goods exports

Refers to data of goods exports in SEK billion generated by companies in the municipality/region as a whole. Exports of services are not included in the dataset. 

Source: Statistics Sweden

Business R&D

Refers to data on research & development (R&D) expenditures in businesses in SEK billion. R&D-operations are intramural and can be conducted by both domestic and foreign-owned companies in Sweden (county level data). 

Source: Statistics Sweden